Our most significant release yet is here, with 23 blog posts to describe it all. Build previously-unthinkable apps with action formulas. Import and edit spreadsheet-like data and use eleven new button types. The app designer now supports undo, formula autocomplete, a new email editor and much more. Sign in »

Changes to our subscription plans

We are introducing a new set of plans at higher price points. Existing apps stay on the old plans at the old prices, with access to most of our new features. Some new features, including the new button types and the data editor, require you to upgrade to a 2023 plan. Even if you stay on an old plan, Calcapp will continue improving. Learn more »

What's new?

  • Eleven new button types. Eleven new types of buttons make your apps easier to use and more powerful. Buttons can run action formulas, change the active screen, copy text to the clipboard, show messages and more. Learn more »
  • Make buttons perform actions with action formulas. Action formulas make things happen, unlike regular functions, which just calculate values. They are our biggest new feature ever. Use them to model complex business logic. Learn more »
  • An editor for tabular data. Our new data editor allows you to easily create and edit spreadsheet-like data tables. Data can be imported from spreadsheets through copy and paste. Use XLOOKUP to look up values in data tables. Learn more »
  • Undo and redo. Calcapp Creator now features undo and redo buttons that bring your work back if you inadvertently delete it. Learn more »
  • Autocomplete for formulas. Our new formula autocomplete system provides helpful suggestions for what you may want to type next. To reference a field on any screen, just type part of its name or label and let us do the rest. Learn more »
  • Edit text properties as templates. All text properties can now be edited as templates. Change the text as you normally would in the inspector and insert formula fragments between special markers. This makes it much easier to edit email bodies sent by your app. Learn more »
  • Access all items as a single array. The new Items property allows you to access all items, including fields and buttons, as a single array. That makes it easy to calculate the sum of all fields of a screen, or determine if all fields of your app are valid, with short, readable formulas. Learn more »
  • Edit formulas of multiple items at the same time. When multiple items are checked in the app designer, you can now edit all their formulas at the same time. We also describe the new special formula value Item and various performance improvements. Learn more »
  • A grab bag of new features. The screens sidebar can now be resized, line breaks can be inserted into formulas, sliders work better on touch screens and you get more disk space for images. Our latest release is full of minor features such as these. Learn more »
  • Use LET to avoid repetition in formulas. The new function LET enables you to assign names to values for use inside a single formula. LET can make formulas shorter and easier to read and can help them run faster. Learn more »
  • Named values. Named values allow you to assign names to values returned from formulas. Unlike hidden fields, named values can represent anything a formula can return, including screens and arrays. Learn more »
  • Customizable link targets. Browse buttons and the BROWSE function allow you to determine if links open in a new web browser window or tab or replace the app. An app-wide default setting can also be changed, which also affects where text box links open. Learn more »
  • Improvements to reports. The bodies of sent emails can now be edited as a template, making for a more comfortable experience. The fields to include can be set visually. Most report-related properties can now be set through formulas, and report-related action functions offer lots of flexibility. Learn more »
  • More ways to access our documentation. Our documentation is now integrated into Calcapp Creator. A popup now appears with function parameter information when editing formulas. Documentation is also part of autocomplete. Learn more »
  • Easily determine what fields to reset or include in a report. The fields to reset and the fields to include in a report can now be be set directly in the inspector, without using a formula. Learn more »
  • Easily decide the next screen. The screen following other screens and navigators can now be set directly in the inspector, without using a formula. Learn more »
  • Named function parameters. Function parameters can now be named, making formulas easier to read. Named parameters can also make formulas significantly shorter. Learn more »

Getting the most from Calcapp

  • Tip: Ask users questions with action formulas. Use action formulas to ask users a series of questions. The answers are then fed into action functions that act on the information given. Learn more »
  • Tip: Perform calculations when a button is pressed. Use a formula button to calculate results only when a button is pressed, instead of while the user is typing. This technique uses the new assignment operator. Learn more »
  • Tip: Require a button to be pressed. Prevent users from seeing certain information, or from moving on to the next screen, if a button has not been pressed. This can be achieved through a formula button and a hidden field. Learn more »
  • Sample app: Edit tags using action formulas. This sample app allows users to edit tags, which are often used on online marketplaces like eBay. The app demonstrates many new Calcapp features, like action formulas, the LET function, navigation buttons and clipboard copy buttons. Learn more »

Download a commemorative wallpaper

We made a wallpaper from the image we created for this newsletter, for use around the office to commemorate the release:

New terms of service and privacy policy

We no longer use Google Analytics. Instead, we use the privacy-friendly, GDPR-compliant Plausible Analytics. (Our business is to sell you subscriptions, not your data.) Consequently, there is no "cookie popup" in the EU.

Also, we now explicitly disallow the practice of multiple users sharing user accounts for private apps.

Our terms of service and privacy policy have been updated to reflect these changes. You will be asked to accept the new terms the next time you launch Calcapp Creator or Calcapp Connect.

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