Release: Our March, 2017 update is here

Use formulas to hide and validate fields, make buttons grayed-out, determine the recipients of reports and more through calculated properties. A video tutorial introduces the new feature. You can now reference fields from other panels in formulas by clicking on them. Also, our learning resources have been thoroughly updated.

We plan to deliver customizable colors, image uploads, formatted text and copy and paste support before ending the beta program in a few months. When the beta program has ended, there will be a limited free plan and full-featured paid plans. We will work hard to ensure that your service is not interrupted when the beta program ends. Email us directly if you have concerns.

We have a presence on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Be sure to use these communities to keep track of our progress or to ask us questions. (You're also welcome to send us email and you can keep track of new blog posts using the RSS feed.)

« Video: Building a user registration form Tip: Add a "debug mode" to your apps »