Open report button properties

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
Epilogue The text that appears after field values in an attached file.
FieldInclusion Which fields are included in reports.
FileName The name of the downloaded file.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Format What format is used for the report.
IncludeBlankValues Whether fields whose values are blank are included in the report.
IncludeHiddenFields Whether hidden fields are included in the report.
IncludeScreenLabels Whether screen labels are included in a report.
IncludedFields The fields that are included in the report.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Prologue The text that appears before field values in an attached file.
Reference A reference to the open report button.
ResetFields Whether the fields that are part of an opened report are reset after the report has been successfully opened.
SeparateScreens Whether field values belonging to different screens are separated from one another in the report.
Visible Whether the button is visible.