Property reference

Most of Calcapp’s properties can be set through formulas. As a result, they can take into account values entered by your users and calculated through your fields. Read our guide to learn more.

Alert button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Body The body of an alert window, displayed below the title.
ButtonLabel The label of the button that dismisses the alert window.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the alert button.
Title The title of an alert window, displayed above the body.
Visible Whether the button is visible.


DateTimeFields The date and time fields of the app as an array.
DeviceType A text string indicating the type of the device running the app, or a blank value if the device is not known.
Fields The fields of the app as an array.
Items The items of the app as an array, including all form groups, fields, buttons, text boxes and named values.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NumberDropDownFields The number drop-down fields of the app as an array.
NumberFields The number fields of the app as an array.
OperatingSystem A text string indicating the operating system of the device running the app, or a blank value if the operating system is not known.
Reference A reference to the app object.
SwitchFields The switch fields of the app as an array.
TextDropDownFields The text drop-down fields of the app as an array.
TextFields The text fields of the app as an array.
UserEmailAddress The email address of the signed-in user, or a blank value if no user is signed in.
ZoomLevel The zoom level of the app, which determines the size of the user interface.

Browse button

Address The web address (URL) opened in a web browser when the button is pressed.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NamedTarget The name of the tab or window where a web page is opened.
Reference A reference to the browse button.
Target The target where a web page is opened.
Visible Whether the button is visible.


BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Clipboard copy button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
CopiedText The text string that is copied to the clipboard when the button is pressed.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the clipboard copy button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Compose email button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
BlindCarbonCopy The blind carbon copy ("BCC") recipients of the email.
Body The body of the email.
CarbonCopy The carbon copy ("CC") recipients of the email.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Recipients The primary recipients of the email.
Reference A reference to the compose email button.
SubjectLine The subject line of the email.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Compose SMS button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Body The message body of the text message.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
PhoneNumber The phone number the text message is sent to.
Reference A reference to the compose SMS button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Date and time field

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
FormattedValue The value of the date and time field, formatted as a text string.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the date and time field.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Dial button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
PhoneNumber The phone number to dial.
Reference A reference to the dial button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Email report button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
BlindCarbonCopy The blind carbon copy ("BCC") recipients of the email.
Body The body of the sent email.
CarbonCopy The carbon copy ("CC") recipients of the email.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
Epilogue The text that appears after field values.
FieldInclusion Which fields are included in reports.
FileName The name of the file that emailed attachments are saved to when the email is sent.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Format What format is used for the report.
IncludeBlankValues Whether fields whose values are blank are included in the report.
IncludeHiddenFields Whether hidden fields are included in the report.
IncludeScreenLabels Whether screen labels are included in the report.
IncludedFields The fields that are included in the report.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Prologue The text that appears before field values.
Recipients The primary recipients of the email.
Reference A reference to the email report button.
ReplyTo The Reply-To field of the email.
ResetFields Whether the fields sent in the report are reset after the report has been successfully sent.
Sender The Sender field of an email.
SeparateScreens Whether field values belonging to different screens are separated from one another in the report.
SubjectLine The subject line of the email.
Visible Whether the button is visible.


BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the field.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Form group

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the areas behind form group items such as fields and buttons.
DateTimeFields The date and time fields of this form group as an array.
Fields The fields of this form group as an array.
Items The items of this form group as an array, including all fields, buttons, text boxes and named values.
Label The label.
LabelColor The color for labels of form groups.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NumberDropDownFields The number drop-down fields of this form group as an array.
NumberFields The number fields of this form group as an array.
Reference A reference to the form group.
SwitchFields The switch fields of this form group as an array.
TextDropDownFields The text drop-down fields of this form group as an array.
TextFields The text fields of this form group as an array.
Visible Whether a form group is visible.

Form screen

AccentColor The accent color, which is used in apps to color smaller areas with a well-saturated color.
BackdropColor The backdrop color, which may be used to paint the lowest layer of an app, behind the background of items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the areas behind items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BarBackgroundColor The background color of the navigation bar.
BarForegroundColor The foreground color of the navigation bar, which is used to paint the text and icons of the navigation bar.
ButtonForegroundColor The foreground color for buttons.
DarkForegroundColor The dark foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a light background.
DateTimeFields The date and time fields of this form screen as an array.
DividerColor The divider color, which is used for the separators that appear between items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
FieldBlankValueColor The color for blank values of fields.
FieldLabelColor The color for labels of fields.
FieldValueColor The color for values of fields.
Fields The fields of this form screen as an array.
GroupLabelColor The color for labels of form groups.
Items The items of this form screen as an array, including all form groups, fields, buttons, text boxes and named values.
Label The label of the screen, which serves as its title.
LightForegroundColor The light foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a dark background.
MessageBackgroundColor The background color of all transient messages that appear in an app.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NavigatorLabelColor The color for labels of navigators.
NextScreen The screen that appears when the user moves to the next screen.
NextScreenAvailable Whether the screen following the form screen is available.
NumberDropDownFields The number drop-down fields of this form screen as an array.
NumberFields The number fields of this form screen as an array.
PrimaryColor The primary color, which often uses a bold hue.
Reference A reference to the form screen.
SwitchFields The switch fields of this form screen as an array.
TextBoxTextColor The color for text that appears in text boxes.
TextDropDownFields The text drop-down fields of this form screen as an array.
TextFields The text fields of this form screen as an array.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like error messages and warning labels, including validation messages of fields.

Formula button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
OnPress Invoked when the user presses the button.
Reference A reference to the formula button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Go back button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the go back button.
Target The screen that the user is moved backward to when the button is pressed.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Go forward button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the go forward button.
Target The screen that the user is moved forward to when the button is pressed.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

List screen

AccentColor The accent color, which is used in apps to color smaller areas with a well-saturated color.
ActiveNavigator The navigator that was last activated by the user and is part of this list screen, or a blank value if no navigator has been activated.
BackdropColor The backdrop color, which may be used to paint the lowest layer of an app, behind the background of items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the areas behind items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BarBackgroundColor The background color of the navigation bar.
BarForegroundColor The foreground color of the navigation bar, which is used to paint the text and icons of the navigation bar.
ButtonForegroundColor The foreground color for buttons.
DarkForegroundColor The dark foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a light background.
DividerColor The divider color, which is used for the separators that appear between items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
FieldBlankValueColor The color for blank values of fields.
FieldLabelColor The color for labels of fields.
FieldValueColor The color for values of fields.
GroupLabelColor The color for labels of form groups.
Label The label of the screen, which serves as its title.
LightForegroundColor The light foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a dark background.
MessageBackgroundColor The background color of all transient messages that appear in an app.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NavigatorLabelColor The color for labels of navigators.
PrimaryColor The primary color, which often uses a bold hue.
Reference A reference to the list screen.
TextBoxTextColor The color for text that appears in text boxes.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like error messages and warning labels, including validation messages of fields.

Named value

Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the named value.
Value The value, which can represent anything a formula can return.
Visible Whether the named value is visible.


BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the navigator.
Label The label.
LabelColor The color for labels of navigators.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NextScreen The screen that appears when the user activates the navigator.
Reference A reference to the navigator.
Visible Whether a navigator is visible.

Number drop-down field

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
Index The position of the selected item, starting with 1, or a blank value if no item has been selected.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the number drop-down field.
Size The number of items that can be selected between.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Number field

ActiveTrackColor The active track color for sliders of number fields.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
FormattedValue The value of the number field, formatted as a text string.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
LeadingUnit The leading unit of the field.
MaximumValue The maximum value of the number field this property is associated with.
MinimumValue The minimum value of the number field this property is associated with.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the number field.
StepperColor The color for steppers of number fields.
ThumbColor The thumb color for sliders of number fields.
TrackColor The track color for sliders of number fields.
TrailingUnit The trailing unit of the field.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Open map button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Latitude The latitude of a location, in decimal degrees.
Longitude The longitude of a location, in decimal degrees.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the open map button.
SearchQuery The search query, which is used to find a location to display on the map.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Open report button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
Epilogue The text that appears after field values in an attached file.
FieldInclusion Which fields are included in reports.
FileName The name of the downloaded file.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Format What format is used for the report.
IncludeBlankValues Whether fields whose values are blank are included in the report.
IncludeHiddenFields Whether hidden fields are included in the report.
IncludeScreenLabels Whether screen labels are included in a report.
IncludedFields The fields that are included in the report.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Prologue The text that appears before field values in an attached file.
Reference A reference to the open report button.
ResetFields Whether the fields that are part of an opened report are reset after the report has been successfully opened.
SeparateScreens Whether field values belonging to different screens are separated from one another in the report.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Print screen button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the print screen button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Reset button

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
FieldInclusion Which fields are reset.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
IncludePersistentFields Whether persistent fields are reset, in addition to all fields which are not persistent.
IncludedFields The fields that are reset.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the reset button.
Visible Whether the button is visible.


AccentColor The accent color, which is used in apps to color smaller areas with a well-saturated color.
BackdropColor The backdrop color, which may be used to paint the lowest layer of an app, behind the background of items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the areas behind items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BarBackgroundColor The background color of the navigation bar.
BarForegroundColor The foreground color of the navigation bar, which is used to paint the text and icons of the navigation bar.
ButtonForegroundColor The foreground color for buttons.
DarkForegroundColor The dark foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a light background.
DividerColor The divider color, which is used for the separators that appear between items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
FieldBlankValueColor The color for blank values of fields.
FieldLabelColor The color for labels of fields.
FieldValueColor The color for values of fields.
GroupLabelColor The color for labels of form groups.
Label The label of the screen, which serves as its title.
LightForegroundColor The light foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a dark background.
MessageBackgroundColor The background color of all transient messages that appear in an app.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NavigatorLabelColor The color for labels of navigators.
PrimaryColor The primary color, which often uses a bold hue.
Reference A reference to the screen.
TextBoxTextColor The color for text that appears in text boxes.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like error messages and warning labels, including validation messages of fields.

Server relay button

Address Where the data is sent, in the form of an Internet address (a URL).
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the button text.
Enabled Whether the button is enabled.
FieldInclusion Which fields are sent to a server.
ForegroundColor The foreground color, which is used to paint the label.
IncludeBlankValues Whether fields whose values are blank are sent.
IncludeHiddenFields Whether hidden fields are sent.
IncludedFields The fields that are sent to the server.
Label The label.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Reference A reference to the server relay button.
ResetFields Whether fields are reset after they have been successfully sent.
Visible Whether the button is visible.

Switch field

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the switch field.
ThumbColor The color of the thumb, or handle, of switch fields.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Text box

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the text box.
LinkColor The link color of text boxes.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
QuoteDecorationColor The color of the decorations associated with quotes of text boxes.
Reference A reference to the text box.
TextColor The text color of text boxes.
Visible Whether the text box is visible.

Text drop-down field

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
Index The position of the selected item in the text drop-down field.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the text drop-down field.
Size The number of items that can be selected between.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Text field

BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the text field.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.

Text screen

AccentColor The accent color, which is used in apps to color smaller areas with a well-saturated color.
BackdropColor The backdrop color, which may be used to paint the lowest layer of an app, behind the background of items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the areas behind items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
BarBackgroundColor The background color of the navigation bar.
BarForegroundColor The foreground color of the navigation bar, which is used to paint the text and icons of the navigation bar.
ButtonForegroundColor The foreground color for buttons.
DarkForegroundColor The dark foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a light background.
DividerColor The divider color, which is used for the separators that appear between items such as fields, buttons and navigators.
FieldBlankValueColor The color for blank values of fields.
FieldLabelColor The color for labels of fields.
FieldValueColor The color for values of fields.
GroupLabelColor The color for labels of form groups.
Label The label of the screen, which serves as its title.
LightForegroundColor The light foreground color, which is used to paint text and icons on a dark background.
MessageBackgroundColor The background color of all transient messages that appear in an app.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
NavigatorLabelColor The color for labels of navigators.
NextScreen The screen that appears when the user moves to the next screen.
NextScreenAvailable Whether the screen following the text screen is available.
PrimaryColor The primary color, which often uses a bold hue.
Reference A reference to the text screen.
TextBoxTextColor The color for text that appears in text boxes.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like error messages and warning labels, including validation messages of fields.