NextScreen property

TextScreen.NextScreen — Screen

The screen that appears when the user moves to the next screen.

By determining what screen to show using a formula, you can do things like show a screen collecting supplemental information, or even show a warning screen, and make that decision based on data entered by the user.

If this property is not set, it returns the screen which naturally follows this screen (as set in Calcapp Creator).

Use the NextScreenAvailable property to determine if users should be allowed to move forward to the next screen.


IF(MainScreen!Result < 20, SuccessScreen, FailureScreen)IF(MainScreen!Result < 20; SuccessScreen; FailureScreen)

Shows the screen SuccessScreen when the user moves to the next screen only if the value of the number field Result (which is part of the form screen MainScreen) is less than 20. Otherwise, the screen FailureScreen is shown.

IF(AND((MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5).Valid), SuccessScreen, FailureScreen)IF(AND((MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5),Valid); SuccessScreen; FailureScreen)

Shows the screen SuccessScreen when the user moves to the next screen only if all fields in the range MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5 are valid. Otherwise, the screen FailureScreen is shown. The range includes the two fields Field1 and Field50 (which are part of the screen MainScreen) and all fields that appear between them.

The formula (MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5).Valid(MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5),Valid returns a logical array with the same number of elements as there are fields in the MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5MainScreen!Field1:MainScreen!Field5 range, like this array: { TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE }{ TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; TRUE; FALSE }. The AND function returns TRUE only if all elements of the array are TRUE.

IF(MainScreen!HasCouponCode, CouponCodeScreen, FinalScreen)IF(MainScreen!HasCouponCode; CouponCodeScreen; FinalScreen)

Shows the screen CouponCodeScreen when the user moves to the next screen only if the value of the switch field HasCouponCode (which is part of the form screen MainScreen) is TRUE (indicating that the user has toggled it to its "on" position). Otherwise, the screen FinalScreen is shown.