NextScreenAvailable property

FormScreen.NextScreenAvailable — Logical

Whether the screen following the form screen is available. The user cannot reach the next screen if this property returns FALSE.

Use this property to prevent users from moving on until they have fulfilled all requirements on the current screen. For instance, the next screen may only be available if the user has indicated that they have agreed to your licensing terms, or if all required fields have been correctly filled out.

Use the NextScreen property to determine which screen users should be taken to when moving on to the next screen.

If this property is not set, it returns FALSE.


Field1.Valid && Field2.Valid && ISDEFINED(Field3)Field1,Valid && Field2,Valid && ISDEFINED(Field3)

Enables the user to move on to the next screen only if Field1 and Field2 are considered valid (by the Valid property) and if the user has filled out the Field3 field.


Enables the user to move on to the next screen only if all fields of the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range are valid (meaning that their Valid properties all return TRUE). This range includes the two fields Field1 and Field50 and all fields that appear between them.

The formula fragment (Field1:Field50).Valid(Field1:Field50),Valid returns a logical array with the same number of elements as there are fields in the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range, like this array: { TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, ... }{ TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; TRUE; ... }. The AND function returns TRUE only if all elements of the array are TRUE.


Enables the user to move on to the next screen if at least a single field of the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range is valid (meaning that the Valid property of a single field must return TRUE). This range includes the two fields Field1 and Field50 and all fields that appear between them.

The formula fragment (Field1:Field50).Valid(Field1:Field50),Valid returns a logical array with the same number of elements as there are fields in the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range, like this array: { TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, ... }{ TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; TRUE; ... }. The OR function returns TRUE if one or several elements of the array are TRUE.


Enables the user to move on to the next screen only if all fields of the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range have been filled out (as determined by the ISDEFINED function). This range includes the two fields Field1 and Field50 and all fields that appear between them.

The formula ISDEFINED(Field1:Field50)ISDEFINED(Field1:Field50) returns a logical array with the same number of elements as there are fields in the Field1:Field50Field1:Field50 range, like this array: { TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, ... }{ TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; TRUE; ... }. The AND function returns TRUE only if all elements of the array are TRUE.

ISEMAIL(EmailAddress) && TermsAcceptanceISEMAIL(EmailAddress) && TermsAcceptance

Enables the user to move on to the next screen only if the email address entered in the EmailAddress field is likely a correct email address and the user has toggled the TermsAcceptance switch field to its "on" position, indicating acceptance of the terms of service.