CopiedText property

ClipboardCopyButton.CopiedText — Text

Special value available in formulas:



The button this property is part of, enabling multiple checked items in the app designer to share the same formula and be updated all at once.

Consider the fields Field1 and Field2, which should only be considered to be valid if their values are greater than 4. Without using the Item value, the Valid property of Field1 would need to use the formula Field1 > 4Field1 > 4 and the Valid property of Field2 would need to use the formula Field2 > 4Field2 > 4.

Using Item, both formulas can read Item > 4Item > 4. This is useful if you have many fields and you want to be able to update their formulas all at once. To do so, click their check boxes in Calcapp Creator and make sure that a checked field is selected. Then, when you update a formula for one checked field, you update all the other checked fields too, which is a great timesaver.

Use Item in exactly the same way you'd use the regular name. Button1.VisibleButton1,Visible and Item.VisibleItem,Visible are equivalent, for instance.

The text string that is copied to the clipboard when the button is pressed.

Copying values from embedded apps

An embedded app runs in an iframe on the host page. Many web browsers prevent such apps from copying content to the clipboard.

To fix this issue, add allow="clipboard-write" to the list of attributes for the iframe element:

<iframe seamless

Entering formulas in the inspector

If you use the inspector to enter a value for this property, you can incorporate formulas by enclosing them within {{ and }} markers.

Behind the scenes, Calcapp converts an inspector value with formulas to a single traditional formula. You can view this formula, or edit it directly, by selecting the CopiedText property from the drop-down menu next to the formula bar.

The rest of the examples on this page use traditional formulas, where text strings and other values are joined together using & and line breaks are produced using NEWLINE. To enter them in the inspector, be sure to enclose them within {{ and }} markers. Alternatively, enter them in the formula bar.

Refer to the documentation for the Body property for a complex example on how to produce a text string incorporating field values using a formula.



Makes a clipboard copy button copy a text string equal to the value of the text field Result when pressed.


Makes a clipboard copy button copy a text string equal to the value of the number field TargetValue when pressed, formatted as a text string using the FORMATNUMBER function.


Makes a clipboard copy button copy a text string equal to the formatted value of the number field. The value is formatted using the same settings as when displayed in the app.


This formula is associated with the OnPress property of a formula button, and causes the value of the text field Result to be copied to the clipboard.


This formula is associated with the OnPress property of a formula button, and causes the value of the text field Result to be copied to the clipboard and a banner to be displayed with the text Copied!.