Date and time functions

DATE Returns a sequential serial number representing the given year, month and day.
DAY Converts a given date to a number representing the day of the date.
DAYS Returns the number of days between two dates.
DAYS360 Returns the number of days between two dates.
EDATE Returns a date advanced or set back a number of months.
EOMONTH Returns a date representing the last day of a particular month, potentially set back or advanced a number of months.
HOUR Converts a date to a number representing the hour of the date.
ISOWEEKNUM Returns the ISO week number of the given date, from 1 through 54.
MINUTE Converts a date to a number representing the minute of the date.
MONTH Converts a date to a number representing the month of the date.
NETWORKDAYS Returns the number of working days between two dates.
NETWORKDAYS.INTL Returns the number of working days between two dates.
NOW Returns the current date and time.
SECOND Converts a date to a number representing the second of the date.
TIME Returns a sequential serial number representing the given hour, minute and second.
TODAY Returns the current date, with the time set to midnight.
WEEKDAY Returns the day of the week of the given date.
WEEKNUM Converts a date to a number representing the week number of the date.
WORKDAY Returns a date advanced or set back a number of working days.
WORKDAY.INTL Returns a date advanced or set back a number of working days.
YEAR Converts a date to a number representing the year of the date.
YEARFRAC Returns the number of years between the two given dates, as a decimal number.