Action functions

ALERT Displays an alert with the given message.
AWAIT Waits for a promise to return a response before running an action.
AWAITALL Waits for all promises to succeed before running an action.
AWAITANY Waits for the first of multiple promises to succeed before running an action.
AWAITMANY Waits for multiple promises to return responses before running actions.
AWAITRACE Waits for the first of multiple promises to return a response before running an action.
BANNER Displays a banner at the bottom of the screen with the given message.
BROWSE Opens a web browser, or a window or a tab, displaying the given web address.
CLIPBOARDCOPY Copies a text string to the clipboard.
COMPOSE.EMAIL Brings up an email compose window.
COMPOSE.SMS Brings up a text message (SMS) compose window.
CONFIRM Asks the user to confirm.
DIAL Offers to dial a phone number.
EMAILREPORT Sends a report through email.
EMAILREPORT.CSV Sends a report with comma-separated values through email.
EMAILREPORT.DSV Sends a report with delimiter-separated values through email.
EMAILREPORT.TSV Sends a report with tab-separated values through email.
GOBACK Moves the user backward to a previously-visited screen.
GOFORWARD Moves the user forward to another screen.
OPENMAP Opens a map at a given location.
OPENREPORT Opens a report on the user's device.
OPENREPORT.CSV Opens a report with comma-separated values on the user's device.
OPENREPORT.DSV Opens a report with delimiter-separated values on the user's device.
OPENREPORT.TSV Opens a report with tab-separated values on the user's device.
PRINTSCREEN Offers to print the current screen.
PROMPT Prompts the user for a text string and returns a promise with the entered value.
PROMPT.NUMBER Prompts the user for a number and returns a promise with the entered value.
RELAY Enables apps to invoke thousands of third-party services.
RESET Resets fields to their initial values.
RESET.BLANK Resets fields to blank values.