Information functions

BLANK Returns a blank value.
ERROR.TYPE Returns the error type of the given value.
ISBLANK Returns whether the given value is blank.
ISDEFINED Returns whether the given value is defined.
ISEMPTY Returns whether the given array is empty.
ISERR Returns whether the given value is an error but is not an #N/A error ("not available").
ISERROR Returns whether the given value is an error.
ISEVEN Returns whether the given number is even.
ISNA Returns whether the given value is an #N/A error ("not available").
ISNONTEXT Returns whether the given value is not a text value.
ISODD Returns whether the given number is odd.
N Converts a value to a number.
NA Returns an #N/A error ("not available").
SIZE Returns the size of the given array, that is, the number of elements that are contained in the array.
TOCOLOR Returns the given value converted to a color.
TOLOGICAL Returns the given value converted to a logical value.
TONUMBER Returns the given value converted to a number.
TOTEXT Returns the given value converted to a text string.
TYPE Returns the type of the given value.
USERHASTAG Returns whether the user who is currently signed in has the given tag.