
Text or { Text }

A tag which the signed-in user may or may not have.


Logical or { Logical }

Whether the user who is currently signed in has the given tag.

Returns whether the user who is currently signed in has the given tag. USERHASTAG("Employee")USERHASTAG("Employee") returns TRUE only if the current user has been assigned that tag in the Manage users window.

Use the UserEmailAddress property of the app to learn the email address of the signed-in user. If the app is named "App" (which is the default), App.UserEmailAddressApp,UserEmailAddress returns the email address.

This function and the UserEmailAddress property only work in private apps.

This function is specific to Calcapp.



Returns TRUE only if the current user has been assigned the Employee tag. This formula may be associated with the Visible property of a text box containing employee-only information, which ensures that this information is only visible to employees.

USERHASTAG({ "Employee", "Beta tester" })USERHASTAG({ "Employee"; "Beta tester" })

Returns the array { TRUE, FALSE }{ TRUE; FALSE } if the current user is an employee who is not also a beta tester.

ENDSWITH(App.UserEmailAddress, "")ENDSWITH(App,UserEmailAddress; "")

Returns TRUE only if the email address of the current user ends with "".