Statistical functions

AVEDEV Returns the average of the absolute deviations of values from their mean.
AVERAGE Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the parameters.
AVERAGEA Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the parameters.
AVERAGEIF Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the array elements that satisfy a condition.
AVERAGEIFS Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all array elements which satisfy one or several conditions.
BETA.DIST Returns the cumulative distribution function or the probability density function of a beta distribution.
BETA.INV Returns the inverse of the BETA.DIST function.
BINOM.DIST Returns a probability for a binomial distribution.
BINOM.DIST.RANGE Returns the probability for a binomial distribution over an interval.
BINOM.INV Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value.
CHISQ.DIST Returns a value for a chi-squared distribution.
CHISQ.INV Returns the inverse of the CHISQ.DIST function.
CONFIDENCE.NORM Returns a confidence interval for a normal distribution.
CONFIDENCE.T Returns a confidence interval for a Student's t-distribution.
CORREL Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient of two sets of data.
COUNT Returns the number of values which can be interpreted as numbers.
COUNTA Returns the number of values which are not blank.
COUNTBLANK Returns the number of elements of the given array which are either blank or are equal to the empty text string.
COUNTIF Returns the number of array elements which satisfy a condition.
COUNTIFS Returns the number of array elements which satisfy one or several conditions.
COVARIANCE.P Returns the population covariance, that is, the covariance of the product of paired deviations, for an entire population.
COVARIANCE.S Returns the sample covariance, that is, the covariance of the product of paired deviations, for a sample of the population.
DEVSQ Returns the sum of squares of deviations from the mean.
EXPON.DIST Returns a value for an exponential distribution.
FISHER Returns a value for the Fisher transformation.
FISHERINV Returns the inverse of the FISHER function.
FORECAST Fits a straight line to data using linear regression and returns the vertical coordinate of a point on that line.
FREQUENCY Returns the frequency distribution of the values of the first array when grouped into the intervals of the second array.
GAMMA Returns the values of the Gamma function.
GAMMA.DIST Returns a value for a Gamma distribution.
GAMMA.INV Returns the inverse of the cumulative GAMMA.DIST function.
GAMMALN Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.
GAMMALN.PRECISE Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.
GAUSS Returns a value in the standard normal cumulative distribution.
GEOMEAN Returns the geometric mean of the parameters.
GROWTH Returns the points of an exponential curve of the form y = b * m ^ x through the given data points using linear regression.
HARMEAN Returns the harmonic mean of the given values.
HYPGEOM.DIST Returns a value for a hypergeometric distribution.
INTERCEPT Fits a straight line to data using linear regression and returns its intercept on the vertical axis.
KURT Returns a measure of how peaked or flat a distribution is (the kurtosis) based on the given parameters.
LARGE Returns the nth largest number in the given array, where n is given as the second parameter.
LINEST Finds a straight line, y = m * x + b, that best fits the given data, and returns an array containing two values corresponding to m and b in the equation above.
LOGNORM.DIST Returns a value for the cumulative distribution function of a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORM.INV Returns the inverse of the LOGNORM.DIST function.
MAX Returns the largest number of the given numbers.
MAXA Returns the largest number of the given numbers.
MAXIFS Returns the largest number of all array elements which satisfy one or several conditions.
MEDIAN Returns the median of the given numbers.
MIN Returns the smallest number of the given numbers.
MINA Returns the smallest number of the given numbers.
MINIFS Returns the smallest number of all array elements which satisfy one or several conditions.
MODE.MULT Returns the values that appear most frequently.
MODE.SNGL Returns the value that appears most frequently.
NEGBINOM.DIST Returns a probability for a negative binomial distribution.
NORM.DIST Returns a value for a normal distribution.
NORM.INV Returns the inverse of the cumulative NORM.DIST function.
NORM.S.DIST Returns a value for the cumulative distribution function of a normal distribution.
NORM.S.INV Returns the inverse of the cumulative NORM.S.DIST function.
PEARSON Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient of two sets of data.
PERCENTILE.EXC Returns the number of the given array at the kth percentile, where k is a number between 0 and 1 (exclusive), which can also be specified with the % operator (.
PERCENTILE.INC Returns the number of the given array at the kth percentile, where k is a number between 0 and 1 (inclusive), which can also be specified with the % operator (.
PERCENTRANK.EXC Returns the percentile rank of a number in an array.
PERCENTRANK.INC Returns the percentile rank of a number in an array.
PERMUT Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects, where an object can only be chosen once.
PERMUTATIONA Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects, where objects can be repeated.
PHI Returns a value for a standard normal distribution.
POISSON.DIST Returns a value for a Poisson distribution.
PROB Returns the probability that a value is inside a given interval.
QUARTILE.EXC Returns the number of the given array at the given quartile value.
QUARTILE.INC Returns the number of the given array at the given quartile value.
RANK.AVG Returns the rank of the given number in the given number array.
RANK.EQ Returns the rank of the given number in the given number array.
RSQ Returns the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient of two sets of data.
SERIESSUM Returns the sum of the first terms of a power series.
SKEW Returns a measure of how skewed a distribution is, represented by the given parameters.
SKEW.P Returns a measure of how skewed a distribution is based on a population.
SLOPE Fits a straight line to data using linear regression and returns its slope.
SMALL Returns the nth smallest number in the given array, where n is given as the second parameter.
STANDARDIZE Converts a value in a normal distribution to its equivalent in a standard normal distribution.
STDEV.P Returns the population standard deviation of the parameters.
STDEV.S Returns the sample standard deviation of the parameters.
STDEVA Returns the sample standard deviation of the parameters.
STDEVPA Returns the population standard deviation of the parameters.
STEYX Fits a straight line to data using linear regression and returns the standard error of the actual vertical coordinates compared to the vertical coordinates of the straight line.
T.DIST Returns a value for Student's left-tailed t-distribution.
T.INV Returns the inverse of the left-tailed T.DIST function.
TRIMMEAN Returns the mean (average) of the given values, ignoring a percentage of array elements at the beginning and end of the given array.
VAR.P Returns the population variance of the parameters.
VAR.S Returns the sample variance of the parameters.
VARA Returns the sample variance of the parameters.
VARPA Returns the population variance of the parameters.
WEIBULL.DIST Returns a value for a Weibull distribution.
Z.TEST Returns the one-tailed cumulative probability value of a Z-test.