COMPOSE.SMS function
The phone number. This is a text string and not a true number, meaning that phone numbers like "(311) 555-2368" and "+46 70-1740681" work well.
The body of the text message.
This function does not return a value.
Brings up a text message (SMS) compose window. COMPOSE.SMS("(311) 555-2368")COMPOSE.SMS("(311) 555-2368") displays a message compose window with the phone number (311) 555-2368 already filled out.
This function can only be used from an action formula. It is typically invoked from a formula associated with the OnPress property of a formula button.
This function supports pre-filling the message body. Refer to the Body property of email report buttons for more examples of how to build a text message body using a formula.
If this function is not invoked on a phone, it is likely that no action is taken when it is invoked.
Brings up a text message compose window with no pre-filled fields.
Brings up a text message compose window with the phone number +46 70-1740681 pre-filled.