Number field properties

ActiveTrackColor The active track color for sliders of number fields.
BackgroundColor The background color, which is used to paint the area behind the field.
BlankValueColor The color for blank, non-existent values.
Enabled Whether the field is enabled.
FormattedValue The value of the number field, formatted as a text string.
InitialValue The initial value, displayed before the user has entered an explicit value.
Label The label, which is normally shown to the left of the value.
LabelColor The color for field labels.
LeadingUnit The leading unit of the field.
MaximumValue The maximum value of the number field this property is associated with.
MinimumValue The minimum value of the number field this property is associated with.
Name The name, as assigned in Calcapp Creator.
Persistent Whether the field is persistent, that is, whether it retains its value between usage sessions.
Reference A reference to the number field.
StepperColor The color for steppers of number fields.
ThumbColor The thumb color for sliders of number fields.
TrackColor The track color for sliders of number fields.
TrailingUnit The trailing unit of the field.
Valid Whether the field is valid.
ValidationMessage The validation message.
Value The value of the field.
ValueColor The color for values.
Visible Whether the field is visible.
WarningColor The warning color, which is used to paint things like validation messages of fields.