Making hidden fields visible can be useful when you're developing
your app. Add a "debug mode" switch to your first screen and tie the
Visible property of all hidden fields to this debug switch to easily
make all hidden fields visible. Then, hide the switch before you
share the app.
Use formulas to hide and validate fields, make buttons grayed-out,
determine the recipients of reports and more through calculated
properties. A video tutorial introduces the new feature. You can now
reference fields from other panels in formulas by clicking on them.
Also, our learning resources have been thoroughly updated.
In our very first video tutorial, we build a user registration form
which makes heavy use of calculated properties. It is available as a
template in Calcapp Creator for use in your own apps.
You can now reference fields from other panels by clicking on them
when you're editing a formula. You can also reference buttons and the
other items that make up an app from your formulas by clicking on
Fields, buttons, calculation panel groups, text boxes, list panel
options and panels now offer a variety of calculated properties you
can use to make your apps more dynamic. This post offers the complete
Use formulas to hide and validate fields, make buttons grayed-out,
determine the recipients of reports and more through calculated
properties. These formulas are evaluated when your app is run and
make it possible to build far more dynamic, complex apps.
Will Calcapp ever support importing your spreadsheets directly? Allan
posed this question to us and received a lengthy reply from our
co-founder David.
This update brings cross-references, enabling you to build large,
interconnected apps. Flag suspicious values with data validation and
send reports as PDF files.
Use cross-references to refer to other panels with our next release,
enabling you to build truly large, inter-connected apps. This update
also lays the groundwork for calculated properties, which are coming
Use data validation to flag invalid values with our next release.
Specify allowable intervals for number fields to determine validity.
A later release will allow you to use formulas to determine if a
field is valid or not.