Our new release is our biggest yet. In this blog post, we explain why
it's taken longer than anticipated, and detail some upcoming changes
to your subscription.
When copying and pasting fields and screens from one app to another,
it really helps if both are displayed side-by-side. This tip explores
how to achive this.
Our next release has been slightly delayed, because we are adding new
features to it. Two of those features are announced in this post,
including a better formula editing experience and an easy way to
check multiple items in Calcapp Creator.
Iteration means that a value is calculated by performing a number of
steps, where the result of the previous step is fed into the current
step. Use REDUCE to implement iteration with Calcapp.
Calcapp will become significantly better in the coming months. Action
formulas will enable buttons to run formulas, and a new data editor
will allow you to easily incorporate spreadsheet data into your apps.
Can the switch field selections made by a user be summed up in a
single text field sentence? Yes, and there are two ways to do it, one
using old-style formulas and one using the new formula engine we
introduced in November.
In this post, we create an app that displays all legal US holidays
for a given year. The app adapts a formula created for Microsoft
Excel and uses new functions introduced with our new formula engine,