XIRR function

XIRR(Values, Dates, Guess?) XIRR(Values; Dates; Guess?)


{ Number }

An array containing the payments made or received, at irregular intervals.


{ Number }

An array containing dates on which the payments were made or received.


Number or { Number } (optional)

A first guess at the rate. If omitted, 10% (0.1) is assumed.


Number or { Number }

The internal rate of return of a series of irregular cash flows.

Calculates the internal rate of return of a series of irregular cash flows.


XIRR({ -2750, 1000, 2000 }, { DATE(2008, 2, 5), DATE(2008, 7, 5), DATE(2009, 1, 5) })XIRR({ -2750; 1000; 2000 }; { DATE(2008; 2; 5); DATE(2008; 7; 5); DATE(2009; 1; 5) })

Returns roughly 12.4%.

Partly derived from the OpenOffice.org documentation, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.